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Evaluations | Surveys

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The Evaluation | Surveys page is used to use the evaluation forms to assess any of the users’ performance or any of the school topics. 

To Add an Evaluation Form: #
  1. Click on Evaluations | Surveys from the main menu.
  2. Click on “Evaluation” to view evaluation forms or surveys that have assigned to you.
  3. Click on “My Evaluations” to view your evaluation forms. 
  4. Use the title field to search for a specific survey.
  5. Start searching.
  6. Choose evaluations to view who will be evaluated.
  7. You can export the table to Excel.
  8. Choose “Evaluate” to start evaluating the form.
  9. Vous pouvez écrire un commentaire pour chaque élément.
  10. Commencer à évaluer en fonction des éléments et des indicateurs du modèle.
  11. You also can write a general note in the box below.
  12. Soumettre votre formulaire.