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Conversation en Classe

Dans la conversation en classe, vous pouvez taper un message, insérer des émoticônes, joindre des fichiers et rendre votre message important, etc.

To manage this screen efficiently. do as follows:

  1. To start or stop your camera, select the Camera icon at the top of the screen.
  2. To mute or unmute oneself, select the Mic icon.
  3. To share your screen or material, use the Share button.
  4. To exit the meeting, select the Leave option in red.
  5. Use the Meeting Chat pane to chat during the meeting.
  6. Click anywhere around the Meeting Chat title to expand or concentrate on the chat area.
  7. To create a new message, select the Type a Message area at the bottom.
  8. After typing your message, press the Send arrow button or the Enter key on your keyboard.
  9. Add interesting or relevant information to the message area using the Emoji, Attachment, or GIF icons.
  10. After typing your message, click the Send arrow button.
  11. Examine meeting timestamps in the chat to determine when the meeting began or finished.
  12. To explore further options or details about a participant, click the More icon next to their name.