This screen allows you to add a student’s medical record. It allows the user to input various health details such as blood type, disease history, chronic conditions, vaccination status, and specific system health statuses (e.g., circulatory, respiratory, nervous). It also collects information about surgeries, allergies, and medications the student takes regularly

To create a new medical record for a student.
- Click Students from the main menu of the Clinic Officer page.
- Click the Records icon to create a new medical record.
Note: If the student already has a record, then when clicking the record con, the record is displayed. - Select the student’s blood type from the drop-down menu.
- Toggle the switch if the student has had any of the following diseases, then Select the disease from the Disease History drop-down menu.
- Toggle the switch If the student has a chronic disease, then select the disease from the Chronic Disease drop-down menu.
- Toggle the switch If the student has completed basic vaccinations, then select the relevant vaccination from the Vaccination Record drop-down menu.
- Enter the student’s height.
- Enter the student’s weight.
- Enter the student’s mass if required.
- Enter the student’s overall body status.
- Enter the status of the student’s left Eye.
- Enter the status of the student’s Right eye.
- status Enter the student’s Mind Status.
- status Enter the student’s Circulatory System Status.
- status Enter the student’s Digestive System Status.
- status Enter the student’s Respiratory System Status.
- system Enter the student’s Nervous System status.
- status Enter the student’s Motion System Status.
- Enter the student’s Skin Status.
- status Enter the student’s Pronunciation Status.
- status Enter the student’s Hear Status.
- select Toggle the switch if a family member suffers from any of the listed diseases, then Select the disease from the Family Disease History drop-down menu.
- Toggle the switch if the student has undergone surgery and then:
- Enter the details of the Surgeries.
- Enter the Surgery Hospital name.
- Select the surgery type.
- Enter or Clear the Surgery Date.
- Toggle the switch If the student has allergies, then enter the details of the allergies.
- Enter the medications that the student regularly takes.