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Résumé des Absences

The Attendance page displays your attendance record throughout the semester so that the teacher can track it.

The Attendance tab previews the following:  #
  • Absences quotidiennes
  • Retard de cours
  • Retard Quotidien
  • Retard de cours
  • Résumé des Absences
  • Résumé des absences aux cours
To view the summary of absences:  #
  1. From the main menu, click the Attendance drop-down button, then click Absences Summary.
  2. Select the date from and to in the corresponding fields, then click the Search button.
  3. Your attendance record for each subject appears, whether it was with excuse or without, as recorded in the system. 

You can export an Excel file with a summary of absences for the subjects by clicking the Export to Excel button .