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Registration Events

Table of Contents

This screen provides a dashboard for managing registration events. It allows users to add new events, filter existing events by title or date, and customize the display settings for the events list. Users can also export data or adjust the number of rows shown.

To navigate and manage the registration events efficiently:

  1. Select the Add Registration Events button to create a new event.
  2. To filter events, enter values in the Title, From Date, and To Date fields.
  3. Click the Search button to apply the filters.
  4. Use the Rows, Export, and Customize columns buttons to adjust the view and export data.
  5. View event information in the table under the Title, From Date, To Date, From Time, To Time, and Action columns.

Adding Registration Events #

This screen is a form for adding new registration events. It allows users to input details such as the title, description, start and end dates, event times, period, capacity, and associated school. There are options to specify if the event lasts for all days and to select specific days if applicable.

To add a new registration event:

  1. Enter the event name in the Title field.
  2. Add a description in the Description field if needed.
  3. Select the Start Event Date by choosing a date from the calendar or using the Clear button to reset.
  4. Select the End Event Date by choosing a date from the calendar or using the Clear button to reset.
  5. Check the All Days box if the event runs every day.
  6. If specific days apply, select options from the Days dropdown menu.
  7. Set the Start Event Time and End Event Time by choosing times from the respective fields.
  8. Choose the Period from the dropdown list.
  9. Enter the maximum number of participants in the Capacity field.
  10. Select the School associated with the event from the dropdown menu.
  11. When finished, click the Submit button to save the event.