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Human Resources

This screen allows users to submit new vacation requests. Users can specify the start and end dates of their vacation, the date they plan to return to work, and provide a reason for their absence. Once all details are entered, the request can be submitted for approval.

New Vacation Request #

You can submit a new vacation request for yourself and wait for approvals.

To request a vacation:

  1. Click on the “New Vacation Request” tab to start entering a new vacation request.
  2. Enter the starting date of your vacation in the “FROM DATE” field.
  3. Enter the ending date of your vacation in the “TO DATE” field.
  4. Enter the date you plan to return to work in the “ARRIVAL DATE” field.
  5. Provide a reason for your vacation in the “REASON” textbox.
  6. Click the “Submit” button to send for approval.
Viewing all Vacation Requests #

You can view all the vacation requests submitted by you and see their status; whether waiting for approval or approved, etc. If you have the liability to approve other staff members’ vacations, it will also appear here.

To view/act on vacation requests:

  1. Review the list of vacation requests displayed in the table to see details such as names, dates, and status.
  2. To sort the list by specific details like Name, Type, or Date, click on the respective column headers.
  3. To view more details or edit a specific request, click on the corresponding action icon under the “Action” column.
  4. To filter requests by specific criteria, use the search boxes under each column header.
  5. For exporting the list, click on the “Export to Excel” button for a spreadsheet format or the “Export to PDF” button for a PDF format.
Salary Slip #

You can generate your salry slip through this section of the Human Resources screen.

To generate a salary slip:

  1. Enter the date in the Date field.
  2. Click Generate.
  3. Click Clear to clear the selected date and choose another.