View Categories

My Awards

To open My Awards:

  1. Select Awards and Scores from the main menu.
  2. Click on the drop-down arrow next to “Awards and Scores” to expand the menu. You should see the following options:
  • C-Inspire
  • My Score
  • My Awards: Click here to see a list of awards or recognitions you’ve earned. This might include badges, certificates, or other forms of acknowledgment.

Data Interaction Buttons:

  • Rows: This button could be used to specify or adjust the number of data rows displayed in a table view below this control panel.
  • Export: This option allows you to export the data being viewed or managed, possibly to formats like CSV, Excel, or PDF.
  • Customize columns: This allows you to choose which columns are visible in the data table, letting you tailor the view to your specific needs.