Table of Contents
This is where you can find all your account personal information and settings. Click on the image icon at the top right of your Home page to have a deeper look into your items.
The Personal menu is a list of tabs that contain all information about the user which will help you access and edit any of your information.
Personal Menu Contents: #

- Public Profile that shows you how others can view your profile. You can manage it from Edit Profile
- Edit Profile in which you will find all your profile settings.
- My One Drive which allows you to use and share your one drive files with your students. It requires you to link your account with your Microsoft account first. See how from Edit Profile
- My Google Drive that allows you to use and share your google drive files with your students. It requires you to link your account with your Microsoft account first. See how from Edit Profile
- My Card that shows your card points.
- Active Sessions which helps you know if your account is used on several devices.
- Font Size by which you can enlarge the default interface font size.