The Purchase Report enables clinic officers to search for and manage student-related items. It includes fields for entering search criteria such as student name, title, description, and calories. Users can search by student name, title of the report, description, or calories. Moreover, they can print the report or customize the table display. Additional features include exporting data to Excel and advanced search options.

to create a Purchase report for the clinic, follow the coming steps:
- Enter the Student Name in the provided field.
- Enter the Title in the respective field.
- Enter the Description in the provided field.
- Enter the number of Calories in the corresponding field.
- Click the Search button to find items based on the entered criteria.
- Click the Print button to print the report.
- Click the Advanced Search dropdown for additional search options.
- Click Rows to adjust the number of rows displayed in the table.
- Click Customize columns to modify the table columns.
- Click Excel to export the data to an Excel file.