System Settings

Table of Contents

The System Settings page is where you can control all your schools’ and users’ settings according to requirements.

System Settings contents: #
  • School Information: The basic element that includes general information about the school.
    • Contact Information: The primary contact information of the school.
    • General Settings: The general setting of the school, such as language, students’ gender, and social media accounts which appear in the users public profile.
  • Two factor authentication
  • Accounts and Security: You can choose how many active sessions are allowed to log in simultaneously per account.
  • Registration Settings
  • Share Content Setting
  • Chat Settings
  • Manage Privileges and Permissions
  • Notifications Templates
  • Public Library
  • Schedule Journal
  • Content Reporting Permissions Settings
  • Users’ Permissions Settings: It allows users to change their login information.
  • Graduated Students Settings
  • Announcement Settings
  • Lesson Preparation & Weekly Study Plan
  • Public Profiles Settings
  • Smart Classes Settings
  • Absence Settings: Options for absence notifications.
  • Smart Mate
  • Discussion Rooms
  • Students Requests
  • Report Cards Settings
  • Messages Settings
  • SMS Settings
  • Exam Mode
  • Exam Privacy Setting
  • Control Admin
  • Allow Unit Planning for IB
  • Tracking Tags
  • Summer Period
  • Integration with Education Partners Settings
  • Allow Payment
  • Add Partners Products Data
  • Register Veative School
  • Enable Education Partners Settings
  • Canteen Settings
  • Restrict Login Message
  • Cpay Settings
  • Email Verification Code

If you want to edit any option in the System Settings page, click System Settings on the Settings page from the main menu, add your edits, then click Save.