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Advising Programs

On the Advising Programs screen, you can manage programs by filtering criteria, viewing active and deleted programs, and performing actions. Users can adjust rows, export data, and customize table columns to display details like title, advisor name, dates, and fields.

To use this screen efficiently, do as follows:

  1. Navigate to Advising Programs from the home screen to manage and review advising programs.
  2. Click Fields and Criteria to filter and set specific criteria for the programs displayed.
  3. Select the Programs tab to view active programs, Deleted Programs to check removed ones, or Actions for additional management options.
  4. Use the Rows button to adjust the number of rows displayed in the program list.
  5. Click Export to download program data.
  6. Select Customize columns to modify the table view according to your preferences.
  7. Review program details under Title, Advisor Name, Created Date, Starting Date, Ending Date, Field, and Action.
  8. Click the same button to save any changes made in the interface.