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Virtual Meetings

This page is related to managing virtual meetings. Here’s how you can use the features on this screen:

Meeting Management:

  1. Below the search bar, there are several options:
    • Delete Selected: Allows you to delete the meetings that you’ve selected from the list.
    • Rows: lets you customize how many rows (or items) you want to display per page.
    • Export: Use this option to export the list of meetings, possibly into a file format like Excel or PDF.
    • Customize Columns: Lets you choose which columns you want to display in the list below, such as Title, Starting Time, etc.

Search Bar:

  1. You can search for virtual meetings by their Title or Starting Time. Enter the relevant details in the provided fields and click on the Search button to filter the meetings.

Meeting List:

  1. At the bottom, there should be a list of your meetings with columns for Title, Starting Time, and Action.